• 1. My Intro to CV

    Here I talk about my first introduction to Computer Vision when I visited AWS re:Invent in Las Vegas.

  • 2. Sticky Notes

    Check out this 1 day project I did to isolate and transcribe sticky notes on a wall.

  • 3. My Job

    When I’m not doing projects or research, I’m working a 9-5. Here I talk a little about the type of CV I do every day at work.

  • 4. My Intro to Game Engines

    For over a year, I’ve been researching using game engines for digital twins, data synthesis, and VR applications.

  • 5. Realistic Synthetic Dataset

    Here I discuss building a synthetic dataset using Unreal Engine and Motion Capture animation.

  • 6. Warehouse Simulator

    Using the Unreal Engine, I built a proof of concept warehouse simulator.

  • 7. VR Art Museum

    Using Unity, video footage, MeshLab, and even NeRFs, I explore what it takes to take a real life sculpture and add it to a Virtual Museum.

  • 8. My Setup

    Check out some of the hardware that I use for my tech projects. Featuring my NVIDIA 3090 Ti.

  • 9. NeRFs

    NeRFs have been the newest CV technology to blow up in the community. Here are my thoughts.

  • 10. NeRFs in VR

    Here are two methods of taking a trained NeRF and viewing them in VR.

  • 11. YOLOv8 Salmon Tracker

    For this project, I used the newest YOLOv8 framework from ultralytics to detect and track salmon in a model I trained from scratch.

  • 12. Stable Diffusion + ControlNet

    Talking about AI image generation and showing off a few examples I made.

  • 13. YOLOv8 LOCO

    Using Roboflow, ByteTrack, Supervision, and YOLOv8 to identify and track logistics objects in context (LOCO)

  • 14. Harry Potter Fashion Week

    Using OpenPose, ControlNet, and Stable Diffusion to recast the Harry Potter films with 1990s models

  • 15. Generative AI for Branding

    Training a textual inversion embedding to pick up on Accenture’s ‘marketing aesthetic’

  • 16. Clustering Features from ViT-B/16

    Experimenting on clustering groups of images based on the extracted features from a Vision Transformer.

  • 17. Video Captioning with BLIP

    Exploring using BLIP to caption videos and using embeddings to identify important video frames.

  • 18. LumaAI Embed

    Using LumaAI API to make an embed for a website